Cephalopod welfare and laws in industrial aquaculture: exploring the irrelevance of octopus farming projects





Octopus, invertebrates, aquaculture, sentience, marine environment


According to experts, octopuses are highly intelligent and sensitive beings, capable of experiencing a wide range of emotions such as pleasure, pain and distress. Originally consumed in the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia, octopus is now increasingly sought after in new parts of the world. These animals with extraordinary cognitive abilities re now the subject of large-scale aquaculture projects, such as the one supported by the Spanish company Nueva Pescanova. Given the numerous ethical, economic, and legal issues raised by these projects, a pragmatic study of their relevance seems crucial. Particularly, the lack of legal provisions regulating the breeding of these invertebrates poses a real threat to industry's respect for their welfare. Indeed, the absence of legal provisions or best practice guidelines regulating the farming of these invertebrates is a real threat to the respect of their well-being. That being said, an analysis of existing regulations on aquaculture suggests that, in any given case, octopus farms will not be able to respect the complex physiological needs of these animals. Moreover, the development of such farms constitutes a danger to the marine environment and a serious obstacle to the implementation of environmental protection norms. Finally, commercial models based on intensive octopus farming tend to be not economically viable and will inevitably fail to comply with animal welfare and environmental protection legal requirements.


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Author Biographies

Meganne Natali , University of Portsmouth

Meganne Natali, Ph.D., is a lawyer, lecturer, visiting fellow at the University of Portsmouth School of Law (UK), and legal consultant specializing in environmental conservation, animal welfare and wildlife trade. She contributes to academia through spearheading innovative research, alongside her role as a Case Manager at the Doctoral Clinic of International Law and Human Rights of Aix (France), nurturing future legal scholars. In addition, she collaborates with organizations as a consultant, leveraging her expertise to address pressing challenges in wildlife conservation on practical fronts.

Laure Gisie, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Laure Gisie is a PhD candidate in Animal Law (Autonomous University of Barcelona) in collaboration with the NGO SOS Galgos and AGAUR - doctorado industrial. Her research focuses on the legal protection of Spanish greyhounds. Laure obtained an MA in Environmental Law (University of Strasbourg), an MA in Private Law (University of Toulouse), an MA in Animal Law (Autonomous University of Barcelona). She holds a bachelor’s degree in international law (University of Lyon and University of Alcalá de Henares).



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How to Cite

Natali , M., & Gisie, L. (2024). Cephalopod welfare and laws in industrial aquaculture: exploring the irrelevance of octopus farming projects. DALPS (Derecho Animal-Animal Legal and Policy Studies), 2, 124–153. https://doi.org/10.36151/DALPS.020


