The necessary connection between Animal Welfare Law and Environmental Law




Environmental Law, Animal Welfare Law, human ecology, connection


The multidisciplinary nature of the environment justifies the presence of Environmental Science in different scientific studies. Among them, it is worth mentioning the discipline of Environmental Law, whose development has increased in the last decades giving rise to the creation of new branches of Legal Science, including Animal Welfare Law. However, it seems that the conservation and adequate treatment of animals that European, and recently Spanish, legislation requires is far removed from the legislation that gave rise to it. The article seeks to demonstrate the connection that exists between both legal disciplines and the need to work so that they are not separated because, although they intermediate between subjects such as environmental ethics and human ecology, this implies an interdisciplinary enrichment that helps the scientific debate to advance in new areas of knowledge.


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Author Biography

Pilar López de la Osa Escribano, Universidad Pontificia Comillas-ICADE

PhD in Law from the University of Alcalá with the qualification cum laude unanimously, she is the author of two monographs and numerous articles in legal journals of impact. She is a regular speaker at seminars and conferences and has carried out research stays at the Universities of Passau (Germany) and Harvard (USA) and participated in the Erasmus+ EU Program at the Universities of Lisbon and LUMSA (Palermo). She has been a lecturer at several undergraduate and master's degree courses at several universities, including the Master in Animal Law and Society at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Specialization Course in Environmental Law at the School of Legal Practice of the Complutense University and the Centro de Estudios Garrigues. She is currently a professor and researcher at the Faculty of Law of the Comillas-ICADE Pontifical University where she teaches Administrative Law and Environmental Law. Her research interests focus on environmental law, sustainable development and animal welfare.


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Fuentes jurídicas

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• Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea

• Ley 7/2023, de 28 de marzo, de Protección de los Derechos y el Bienestar de los Animales

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Otras fuentes

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How to Cite

López de la Osa Escribano, P. (2024). The necessary connection between Animal Welfare Law and Environmental Law. DALPS (Derecho Animal-Animal Legal and Policy Studies), 2, 104–122.


