Preference autonomy and animal welfare in Regan
Animal well-being, preference autonomy, Regan’s thoughtAbstract
In his deontological construction, Regan recognizes the privileged moral status of certain non-human animals, stating that they should not be treated as mere means to human ends, as they are endowed with "inherent value". Because they have complex consciousness and well-being, these beings called “subjects-of-a-life” – mammals, birds, and probably fish, mentally normal of one year of age or more – have a “preferred autonomy” – that is, the ability to act in pursuit of the satisfaction of their desires. This is a sufficient condition for them to be attributed an inherent value and the consequent recognition of their “basic moral right to respectful treatment”, which translates into the rights to life, integrity, and liberty, thus expanding the boundaries of moral community and rights to limits that go beyond the human one.
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