Law and animal consciousness. Legal evolution in the face of scientific and technical progress




Animal, Biolaw, Science, Technology, Animal sentience, Animal Welfare, Scientific reasonableness of the law


This paper seeks to focus on the profile of the impact of science and technology on law in terms of the definition of scientifically characterised disciplines. This is a profile which traditionally goes back to the ars medica, but which characterises all regulations concerning the 'living'. In this perspective, attention is drawn to the regulations concerning animal consciousness. Animal sentience, as it is called, is increasingly being studied by science and has reached levels that were unthinkable only a few years ago. Technology, for its part, is advancing inexorably and now offers highly developed technologies that allow us to understand and know more and more about the biological and ethological mechanisms of animals. Science and technology therefore play a central role in the field of animal welfare, the regulation of which, now based on science, should as far as possible be in line with the continuous progress of scientific knowledge in this field, also with regard to the scope of concepts such as pain, stress, suffering and the degree of their 'necessity'. In practice, this is not the case, which is why a change of approach to a new model is urgently needed: bio-law.


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Author Biography

Silvia Zanini, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy

Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Barcelona (Spain). Senior teaching assistant at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy). 


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How to Cite

Zanini, S. (2024). Law and animal consciousness. Legal evolution in the face of scientific and technical progress . DALPS (Derecho Animal-Animal Legal and Policy Studies), 2, 194–224.


