Animal ownership: from the Portuguese civil code to the revision of the Brazilian civil code




Animal, Object of Rights, Tertium Genus, Depersonalized Entities, Animal Welfare, Ownership of Animals, Animal Rights


The article seeks to reflect on animal themes. On the one hand, on the civil legal status emerging from the reform of the Portuguese Civil Code and the resulting implications in terms of legal nature or dogmatic qualification. On the other hand, on the process of revision of the Brazilian Civil Code, as well as on the most appropriate strategies to dissociate the animal from material things and, in addition, to safeguard the rights of animals. 


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Author Biography

José Luís Bonifácio Ramos, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa

Professor of Legal Sciences at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. Senior Researcher at the Private Law Research Center (CIDP) of the Faculty of Law. President of the Institute of Brazilian Law (IDB) of the Faculty of Law. Professor of undergraduate subjects (Property Rights and Civil Procedural Law). Professor of subjects on the Master's Degree in Law and Legal Practice (Probationary Law and Property Rights II).  Professor of subjects on the Master's course in Law and Legal Science (Civil Procedural Law). Professor of subjects on the PhD course (Introduction to Private Law). Author of several articles and legal books in the areas of Civil Law, Property Rights, and Civil Procedural Law.


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How to Cite

Ramos, J. L. B. (2024). Animal ownership: from the Portuguese civil code to the revision of the Brazilian civil code: . DALPS (Derecho Animal-Animal Legal and Policy Studies), 2, 154–170.


