Chronicle of the Animal Law reading group




Animals, Sentience, Ethics, Continental Law, Legal Personality, Non-Human Animals, Plants, Animal Law


The Animal Law Reading Club aims to provide a forum for exploring and reflecting on the various ethical and legal dimensions of animal law through specialized literature addressing this issue. Its purpose is to foster constructive dialogue that contributes to raising awareness about the importance of legally protecting all animals. This chronicle presents the four sessions of the club and their outcomes. During these sessions, the following works were analyzed: “Towards a Theory of Legal Animal Rights: Simple and Fundamental Rights” by Saskia Stucki, published in 2020 in the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies; “Animal. A Biojuridical Approach” by Marita Giménez-Candela, published in 2023 in Revista DALPS (Animal Law-Animal Legal and Policy Studies); “Can Animals Have Rights If They Cannot Incur Obligations? Animal Subjects and Citizens” by Silvina Pezzetta, published in 2023 in Mutatis Mutandis: International Journal of Philosophy; and “Plant Sentience? Between Romanticism and Denial: Science” by Miguel Segundo-Ortin and Paco Calvo, published in 2023 in Animal Sentience.


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Author Biographies

Joan Brull, University of Girona

Ph.D. candidate in the Doctoral Programme in Law, Economics and Business at the University of Girona. Master's degree in Animal Law and Society from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Israel González Marino, Universidad Central de Chile

Master's degree in Animal Law and Society from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Master's Degree in Curriculum Development and Educational Projects from the Andrés Bello University (Chile). Lawyer. Bachelor in Legal Sciences from the Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile. Scholar at the Faculty of Law and Humanities of the Universidad Central de Chile, Coquimbo Region.

Laure Gisie, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Ph.D. candidate in Animal Law (Autonomous University of Barcelona) in collaboration with the NGO SOS Galgos and AGAUR - doctorado industrial. Her research focuses on the legal protection of Spanish greyhounds. Laure obtained an MA in Environmental Law (University of Strasbourg), an MA in Private Law (University of Toulouse), an MA in Animal Law (Autonomous University of Barcelona). She holds a bachelor’s degree in international law (University of Lyon and University of Alcalá de Henares).



DONALDSON, S. y KYMLICKA, W. Animals in Political Theory, en Oxford Handbook of Animal Studies (New York 2014) 43-64.

DONALDSON, S. y KYMLICKA, W. Unruly beasts: animal citizens and the threat of tyranny, en Canadian Journal of Political Science 47 (2014) 23-45.

DONALDSON, S. y KYMLICKA, W. Zoopolis. A Political Theory of Animal Rights (New York 2011).

GIMÉNEZ-CANDELA, M. Animal. Una aproximación biojurídica, en Revista DALPS (Derecho Animal - Animal Legal and Policy Studies) 1 (2023), 10-30.

KYMLICKA, W. y DONALDSON, S. Inclusive Citizenship Beyond the Capacity Contract, en The Oxford Handbook of Citizenship (Oxford 2017) 863-880.

PEZZETTA, S. ¿Pueden los animales tener derechos si no pueden contraer obligaciones? Animales sujetos y ciudadanos, en Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20/1 (2023) 33-46.

SEGUNDO-ORTIN, M. y CALVO, P. Plant sentience? Between romanticism and denial: Science, en Animal Sentience 33/1 (2023) 455.

STUCKI, S. One Rights: Human and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene (Cham 2023).

STUCKI, S. Towards a Theory of Legal Animal Rights: Simple and Fundamental Rights, en Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 40/3 (2020) 533–560.



How to Cite

Brull, J., González Marino, I., & Gisie, L. (2024). Chronicle of the Animal Law reading group. DALPS (Derecho Animal-Animal Legal and Policy Studies), 2, 728–735.


