Best Practices

The journal adheres to the principles of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) as detailed in the document:  Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors

The work of the Editorial Team is based on the principles of transparency, integrity, originality, and quality. This is detailed in the description of submission policies, reviews, communication with authors, publication of results and rectification of errors.

The journal respects the freedom of thought and the principle of non-discrimination ("everyone has the right to equal treatment, regardless of race, colour, sex, nationality, language, religion and ethnic, national or social origin"). The journal explicitly states that no discriminatory or offensive content relating to animals will be published. If images of animals are published, they must be respectful of their idiosyncrasies and not induce mistreatment or violence against them.

DALPS particularly states that it applies the principle of equality and parity between women and men, as evidenced, among other aspects, in the composition of the Editorial Team. This is required to comply with the current legislation and the principles of respect for diversity that inspire all international legislation.

The journal uses Turnitin as an anti-plagiarism tool, ensuring the originality and integrity of all published content.