Relationship between indigenous peoples of the Americas and other animals. Lessons and proposals for Law




indigenous peoples, other animals, decolonization, diffractive methodology, subject of law, harmonious relationships


What can be learned from the relationship between indigenous peoples of the Americas and animals for the field of law? This article seeks to explore the connection between Indigenous Law and Animal Law, two areas often marginalized in traditional legal epistemologies. Both areas, though autonomous, have encountered challenges within the traditional legal framework due to their counterintuitive nature. Through a diffractive methodology, the article proposes extracting norms of conduct related to the treatment of animals from indigenous philosophy and applying them to Animal Law. Indigenous peoples possess a non-hierarchical view of other animals, characterized by discerning and symbolic use. The argument posits that, despite evident differences, both disciplines share a disruption of the contemporary legal paradigm by shifting the subjects of law and fostering more harmonious relationships with the environment. Decolonization of the law emerges as a central proposal to achieve these goals and establish a new framework for the discipline, in particular, Animal Law.


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Author Biography

Katherine Becerra Valdivia, Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile

Lawer. PhD in Political Science from the University of Missouri-Columbia, United States of America. Bachelor of Legal Sciences and Master of Law from the Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile. Master's in University Pedagogy from Universidad Mayor, Chile. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Legal Sciences at Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo Campus, Chile. Research Areas: indigenous collective rights, legal pluralism and interculturality, human rights.


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How to Cite

Becerra Valdivia, K. (2024). Relationship between indigenous peoples of the Americas and other animals. Lessons and proposals for Law. DALPS (Derecho Animal-Animal Legal and Policy Studies), 2, 58–80.


